Full List of Journal Publications

Prof. Dr. Susanne Schmidt (last update: September 2024)


"Affective states and a firm’s performance: the mediating role of dynamic managerial capabilities", Baltic Journal of Management, 2024, (with Yevgen Bogodistov)


"Successful without profits: personal factors that affect performance and innovativeness in NPOs", Employee Relations, 2020, (with Andreas Reinhardt)


"Performance implications of cross-functional coopetition in new product development: the mediating role of organizational learning", Industrial Marketing Management, 73, 137-153, 2018 (with David Bendig, Niklas Thieme, Malte Brettel)


"The Effect of Corporate Support Programs on Employees’ Innovative Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study", Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35(2), 230-253, 2017, (with Andreas Engelen, Lea Weinekötter, Saadat Saeed)


"Should Entrepreneurially Oriented Firms have Narcissistic CEOs?", Journal of Management, 2016, 42(3), pp. 698-721, (with Andreas Engelen, Christoph Neumann)


“The Contingent Role of Top Management's Social Capital on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance”, Journal of Small Business Management, 2016, 54(3), pp. 827-850, (with Andreas Engelen, Alexander Kaulfersch)


“The Simultaneous Influence of National Culture and Market Turbulence on Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Nine-country Study”, Journal of International Management, 2015, 21(1), pp. 18-30, (with Andreas Engelen, Michael Buchsteiner)


“Advertising Repetition A Meta-Analysis on Effective Frequency in Advertising”, Journal of Advertising, 2015, 44(4), pp. 415-428, (with Martin Eisend)


“The Influence of Knowledge-based Resources and Business Scholars' Internationalization Strategies on Research Performance”, Research Policy, 2014, 43(1), pp. 48-59, (with Martin Eisend)


“Top Management’s Transformational Leadership Behaviors and Innovation Orientation: A Cross-Cultural Perspective in Eight Countries”, Journal of International Management, 2014, 20(2), pp. 124-136, (with Andreas Engelen, Lis Strenger, Malte Brettel)


“Entrepreneurial Orientation in Turbulent Environments: The Moderating Role of Absorptive Capacity”, Research Policy, 2014, 43(8), pp. 1353-1369, (with Andreas Engelen, Harald Kube, Tessa Flatten)


“How Can Chief Marketing Officers Strengthen Their Influence? A Social Capital Perspective across Six Countries”, Journal of International Marketing, 2013, 21(4), 88-109, (with Andreas Engelen, Fritz Lackhoff)


„Verborgene Unternehmer”, Harvard Business Manager, 2014, 36(11), pp. 8-11 (with Andreas Engelen and Lea Weinekötter)


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