New food for thought: Taking stock of diversity and inclusion at German universities

26.07.2023 -  

Over the past two years, Prof. Dr. Susanne Schmidt, Sarah-Alena Rössig, and Anna-Maria Mazurczak have taken an in-depth look at where German universities stand in the areas of diversity and inclusion and have summarized their findings in the report “Universität & Diversität: Status Quo”.



Where do German universities currently stand in terms of diversity and inclusion?

Our insights show that diversity and inclusion are important topics for German universities, both in their internal self-conception as well as in their external communication. However, not all diversity dimensions are equally in focus when implementing targeted measures for a more inclusive environment. Overarching diversity strategies are the tool of choice, but resources are often lacking in order to implement adequate data management, clearly delineate responsibilities, launch extensive measures, and communicate them to university stakeholders. Students place high value on their universities’ commitment to advancing diversity and inclusion and have a more positive view of the universities’ engagement than the institutions themselves.

For more detail and further aspects of our research, download the full report (in German language) here.

You can find a shortened version in English here.



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