Research Project: How to leverage digital technologies in the food industry?

26.04.2021 -  

PhD student Toni Müller took advantage of the semester break to dig deeper into the topic of digitalization.


© Frisch Gefischt


How can companies make reasonable use of digitalization in their everyday business? To gain more insights, Toni Müller went on a six-week research stay in the midst of Hamburg Habor, at Frisch Gefischt.

Digital technologies in practice: The case of a food start-up

Frisch Gefischt GmbH is a young business that supplies restaurants and consumers with fresh local fish from the German coastlines. In line with its firmly anchored values sustainability and responsibility, the start-up pays close attention to prevailing fishing regulations and ensures fair working conditions. And by the way:  The co-founder of Frisch Gefischt is a familiar face to us! Andreas Reinhardt was the first PhD student to graduate at the Chair of International Management last September.

Based on this start-up case, Toni Müller developed a research project as part of his PhD studies on digitalization. “The core question is how the use of digital technologies can facilitate processes and add value for the company and their network. We implemented several software solutions to gather hands-on experience and learn how to leverage their full potential”, Toni says. “On a bigger scope, the findings aim to illustrate how the food industry can take advantage of digitalization today and in the future.”


You would like to know more about the use of digital technologies in business? Then you are welcome to join our courses! Learn more about our research areas here.

Last Modification: 26.04.2021 - Contact Person: Webmaster der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg